Thursday, 16 September 2010

Research- Irving Penn.

Irving Penn:

Irving Penn is a photographer who was born in America. He is well know for his still life images.  He has worked in magazines such as Vogue. His images are known for how he displays his images as very simplistic, only using plain coloured backgrounds.

One of his images that I like by him is called “After-Dinner Games.” the image is very colourful and only uses a white background. Because of the white background it makes your eyes draw directly into the centre of the image. As you look closer you see that the white background is actually dirty and that makes the image have more character. I think that this image is useful to me because I want to use a simple background that draws your attention only towards the cup and the contains of it.

Another image that I like is called “Still life with Watermelon.” this image again only uses a simple white background. But the fruit has been arrange to look like another image. On closer inspection you see that the fruit starts to resemble a face. I think this image will be useful to me because I would like to arrange the cups to look like something else while still showing that they are cups.

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