Friday, 10 June 2011


For this project we had to create a blog in which we had to talk about photographers who came to talk to us at college, we had to write about our views and thoughts on their work.

Because of the talks we have had I have had new ideas and new thought about how to take a photograph, and that sometimes new things can be better then just following the normal route. All the talks have to influence my work and I have learnt many new things.

For this project we also had three mini projects in which we had to photograph different things. The first was for a cup competition. I was not keen on this one because there is not much that you can do with a cup.

For the second mini project we had to photograph a personal object in a square format. I really like how my images turned out for this one. I liked it as we used the cameras differently and we had to think about what our image would look like when we put it in PhotoShop.

The third and last mini project was to photograph students. I liked this mini project because we got to use the lights and also learn how to learn them. I like how my image has turned out in this one. I think that it shows what it was meant to show.

If had the chance to do it again I would spend more time on my blog, and write more about the photographer. I would have also like to have put more work in my blog, to show what I have learnt.  

CREATIVE PURPOSE - Student photography competition 2010.

For this project we had to take some photographs of students or staff. We took the photograph on location. The location we chose was in the reception.  The reception has just had a make over so we decided to use it.  There were six of us in the group. We all took it in turns to do different jobs.  The jobs were one taking the photographs. 3-4 of use asking people if they would be in our photographs and one of us taking down details. For this project I took 9 photographs.

For this I choose one image that I like out of the ones I took. For the one I choose I put it in PhotoShop to edit it. To do this I changed the levels on the image.

I choose this as my final image because I think that it looks the best. The image had to show what college life is like. I think that this image does this. The image shows two students smiling and looking happy.

I'm happy with how this picture came out and have learnt how to use some of the lighting kit. We also used a tripod and a digital SLR camera. 


For this we had to take a picture of a personal object. We had only one day in which to do this. For mine I took a key ring off my key that had my name on it. My grandma brought it me years ago. 

To edit my image I put the photograph in PhotoShop. I think changed the levels in the image to make it sharper. I also cropped the image, as it had to be in a square shape.

I am very happy with how the image turned out. I feel that it is very sharp and eye catching.  The front of the hand is blurred, as in the back of the image. Where as the middle of the image where the key ring is, is very sharp. The hand is also sharp. I also like how the sun is reflecting off the hand. For this shop I used a Cannon digital SLR, and I also only used natural lighting.

Thursday, 9 June 2011


Jill Cole is a photographer who came to talk to us in college. Her photographs are mainly documentary and wildlife. She takes photographs on army bases and takes pictures of new recruits.

She told us the story of a boy that she took a photograph of, he has just started in the army. She then took another picture of him about 1 year later when he had left the army. In the first picture he looked like a young man, but in the second photograph he looked like a child again.

She also takes pictures of birds that have been caught in a massive net. The net is there to capture the birds so that researchers and count and see how the different birds are going. She has taken picture of the many birds these nets have captured.

I am not keen on her images, as I find them a little plain and boring. But I like how all of the images have a little story about them.


Ed Swinden is a photographer who came to visit us in college; he showed us many on his images and also a series of portrait images that he had taken.  Most of his photographs are portraits of pop stars, politicians and actors. His work has been shown in many exhibitions and also books.

His series of images that he took all show people walking thought shadows and only showing a bit of light. All his images were taking in the city so the shadows are created by buildings. He told us that he had to wait for the sun to be in the perfect position and also for someone to walk past. None of these images were planned. He told us that he had to wait for a sunny day. I like these images as they are interesting and different.

Another image that he took is of a man leaning out of a window, with two people looking towards him. From this image you can tell that he has not planned this photograph. I like this image as it is a spur of the moment shot.

I like his images as they are different and interesting.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Studio Output.

Studio output is a graphic design company that have created work for well-known companies such as the BBC, Nickelodeon, Cadburys and also for the holiday company Thomas Cook. They own two studios, one is in London and the other is in Nottingham.

One of the images that they have created is for T4 on the beach. For this they got a man on a guitar to play while the T4 logo is behind him. I like this image as it tells you what T4 is about while being simple.

Another image that they created is of the Cadbury’s Wispa. The chocolate bar was taken off the shelves for a few years till its return a few years ago. Studio outputs created the new picture add to show its return.  The add worked as many people remembered the chocolate bar. I really like this image. I think that it’s simple yet eye catching with the bright colours. The message on top of the chocolate bars is clear and simple.

I really like studio outputs work. I believe that their simple images show a clear and understanding message while looking classy and exciting.