Thursday, 9 June 2011


Ed Swinden is a photographer who came to visit us in college; he showed us many on his images and also a series of portrait images that he had taken.  Most of his photographs are portraits of pop stars, politicians and actors. His work has been shown in many exhibitions and also books.

His series of images that he took all show people walking thought shadows and only showing a bit of light. All his images were taking in the city so the shadows are created by buildings. He told us that he had to wait for the sun to be in the perfect position and also for someone to walk past. None of these images were planned. He told us that he had to wait for a sunny day. I like these images as they are interesting and different.

Another image that he took is of a man leaning out of a window, with two people looking towards him. From this image you can tell that he has not planned this photograph. I like this image as it is a spur of the moment shot.

I like his images as they are different and interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    You research is very light and again could be in more depth. You have described the work in sufficient depth however.
    The function and purpose has been analysed in the context of the specialist and contemporary research that you have evidenced here.

    Criteria met

    P1, P2, P3, P4,

