Friday, 10 June 2011


For this project we had to create a blog in which we had to talk about photographers who came to talk to us at college, we had to write about our views and thoughts on their work.

Because of the talks we have had I have had new ideas and new thought about how to take a photograph, and that sometimes new things can be better then just following the normal route. All the talks have to influence my work and I have learnt many new things.

For this project we also had three mini projects in which we had to photograph different things. The first was for a cup competition. I was not keen on this one because there is not much that you can do with a cup.

For the second mini project we had to photograph a personal object in a square format. I really like how my images turned out for this one. I liked it as we used the cameras differently and we had to think about what our image would look like when we put it in PhotoShop.

The third and last mini project was to photograph students. I liked this mini project because we got to use the lights and also learn how to learn them. I like how my image has turned out in this one. I think that it shows what it was meant to show.

If had the chance to do it again I would spend more time on my blog, and write more about the photographer. I would have also like to have put more work in my blog, to show what I have learnt.  

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