Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Studio Output.

Studio output is a graphic design company that have created work for well-known companies such as the BBC, Nickelodeon, Cadburys and also for the holiday company Thomas Cook. They own two studios, one is in London and the other is in Nottingham.

One of the images that they have created is for T4 on the beach. For this they got a man on a guitar to play while the T4 logo is behind him. I like this image as it tells you what T4 is about while being simple.

Another image that they created is of the Cadbury’s Wispa. The chocolate bar was taken off the shelves for a few years till its return a few years ago. Studio outputs created the new picture add to show its return.  The add worked as many people remembered the chocolate bar. I really like this image. I think that it’s simple yet eye catching with the bright colours. The message on top of the chocolate bars is clear and simple.

I really like studio outputs work. I believe that their simple images show a clear and understanding message while looking classy and exciting.

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